GENERAL CONDITIONS (from the Swiss Federation of Schools of Dance)
- The final entry is made for an academic year, from mid-September to mid-June. It is final when the student completes and signs the form provided by the school.
- Each student agrees to read the general conditions and school regulations.
- For minors, parental signature is required.
- Termination at the end of the first semester is possible, but must be done by registered mail by the end of December to Béatrice Bravo – ch. des Passereaux 20 – 1226 Thônex.
- An appointment for a shorter period may be accepted if places are available and in agreement with the direction (will be mentioned on the contract).
- The first lesson of course is not binding, but costs CHF 25.- (registration fee). Out of respect for participants, it is not possible to do a trial lesson during a workshop, or when a class has already started for several weeks.
- In order not to disrupt classes, spectators are not allowed in classrooms. They are requested to register and participate in the entire lesson.
- In order for your registration to be effective, 50% of the fees must be received a week before the beginning of a class. The balance is due no later than the second lesson. Students who have not paid their school fees at the latest before the start of the second lesson will not be allowed in the classroom.
- People who don’t want to continue after taking a trial lesson should let it know by mail or telephone, otherwise the full amount will be due.
- Any delay results in recall costs.
INTERNAL REGULATIONS, valid from September 2009. Subject to change
- Pre-registration can be made by telephone, by writing or online.
- There is no requirement to register as a couple.
- A group lesson includes at least 10 people. In case of insufficient enrollment, a course may be canceled.
- The lesson begins at the precise time indicated on the program. It is not possible to extend a lesson.
- The professor reserves the right to accept or not the video recording during his lesson.
- The schedule and duration of individual lessons are set directly with the teacher concerned. He reserves the right to accept or not the video recording.
- A lesson canceled less than 24 hours in advance is due in its entirety (See Rates).
- Street shoes are prohibited in the classroom: students are required to wear white soled gym shoes or dance shoes.
- Clothing is open.
- We disclaim any responsability in case you forgot or lost your personal belongings. Changing rooms, mostly located outside the classrooms, are not monitored.
- Missed lessons are not reimbursed. If the absence is justified by a major cause (illness, accident, military service), lessons can be replaced.
- It is strictly forbidden to smoke in the classrooms.
- We disclaim any responsibility for accidents. All participants are required to be insured accordingly.
- Each period corresponds to 8 lessons effective and there are 4 periods in a school year. Holidays and vacations are not counted.
- The jurisdiction is located in Geneva.